Sol UpperInterm Unit 7

Dependence on

Effect on

Belief in

Rise in

Preference for

Reason for

Objection to

Solution to

Matter with / for

Demand for

Addiction to

Difference between

Evidence of/for

Existence of

Obsession with

Agree to do

Offer to do

Promise to do

Refuse to do

Threaten to do

Intend to do

Pretend to do

Advise him to do

Beg him to do

 Command him to do

Dare him to do

Encourage him to do

Forbid him to do

Instruct him to do

Invite him to do

Order him to do

Persuade him to do

Remind him to do

Request him to do

Urge him to do

Warn him to do

Admit doing

Deny doing

Mention doing

Propose doing

Recommend doing

Report doing

Suggest doing

Keep doing

Don’t mind doing

Admit to doing

Boast about doing

Confess to doing

Accuse him of doing

Congratulate him on doing

Warn him against doing

Blame him for doing

Criticise him for doing
