Unit 1 Progress Test A

Unit 1 Progress Test A
 1    Complete the sentences. Use the past perfect simple or past perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
       1    Amy and I started a film company together even though we __________________ (not know) each other very long at the time.
       2    I __________________ (stay) with friends in Hollywood for a month when an agent asked me to audition for a film.
       3    He wasn’t very good at acting because he __________________ (not have) any training.
       4    The cameraman was tired because he __________________ (film) through the night.
       5    I __________________ (not want) to see the film, but, by the end of it, I thought it was the best thing I’d seen all year!
       6    The film was so popular that by the end of the month our local cinema __________________ (show) it over fifty times.
Mark: ___ / 6
 2    Complete the extracts from biographies of famous Hollywood directors. Use the correct past perfect simple or past perfect continuous form of the verbs below. Use the continuous form whenever possible.
become     begin     make     not enjoy     not give     study     win     work
       1    Martin Scorsese
When the great American director Martin Scorsese received his first best picture Oscar for the film The Departed in 2006, he was so surprised that he 1__________________ that he asked someone to check to make sure that they had the right envelope. He 2__________________ in the film industry for over forty years, but, astonishingly, the Academy 3__________________ him an Oscar for Taxi Driver or Raging Bull or any of the other amazing films he 4__________________ earlier in his career.
       2    Sofia Coppola
For a while, during the 1990s, Sofia Coppola 5__________________ at the California Institute of the Arts, but she 6__________________ the course, so she dropped out. It was a wise decision. Before long, she 7__________________ her successful career as a film director. By 2003, she 8__________________ only the third woman to be nominated for an Oscar for best director, for the film Lost in Translation.
Mark: ___ / 8

 3    Rewrite the sentences using used to or would. Whenever possible, use would. If neither are
possible, write
       1    I watched lots of horror movies when I was in my early teens.
       2    Irene spent most of last weekend watching old films.
       3    When he was younger, the actor didn’t enjoy being away from home.
       4    Did you go to the cinema much in your youth?
       5    At the age of ten, my brother often ate a large bag of popcorn before the start of a film!
       6    I was good at acting at school.
Mark: ___ / 6
 4    Match descriptions 17 with adjectives ag.
       1    Emily’s appearance is very important to her.   £                                                       a  considerate
       2    Joe always seems to make very good decisions.   £                                                               b  bad-mannered
       3    Sarah always puts other people’s needs and wishes before her own.   £                           c  shrewd
       4    Andy thinks about other people’s feelings.   £                                                           d  easy-going
       5    James is friendly and relaxed, and good company.   £                                                           e  vain
       6    Christina doesn’t care what other people think about her.   £                                 f  thick-skinned
       7    Anna is really rude – she never says ‘please’.   £                                                     g  selfless
Mark: ___ / 7

 5    Complete the text with the correct words. The first letter of each word has been given.
The price of fame
Film stars, pop stars and well-known 1c___________ from TV or the world of sport live their lives in the 2p___________ eye, and, naturally, they expect to be followed around by journalists and photographers from the 3p___________ . The media, however, don’t just come after the famous. Sometimes, they 4i___________ the privacy of their friends and relatives too. For example, they wait outside schools to get a photo of a famous person’s children, or they 5h___________ a famous person’s parents by ringing them up to ask questions. In some countries, there are strict 6p___________ laws that stop journalists getting too close to families, but often these laws don’t exist or are ineffective. It seems that the pressures that come with fame are not restricted to the famous.
Mark: ___ / 6
 6    Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
       1    The film star arrived in a brand new ___ limousine.
a  white                    b  long                   c  wonderful
       2    Hundreds of ___ spectators demanded their money back when the match was cancelled.
a  upset                    b  annoyed           c  angry
       3    Have you seen the ___ new film starring Leonardo DiCaprio?
a  American            b  amazing           c  black and white
       4    American pop star Katy Perry’s VEVO channel on YouTube has over sixteen million ___ . That means a lot of people must love watching her videos.
a  providers             b  subscribers      c  content
       5    I was absolutely ___ to hear that you got a part in the play.
a  happy                   b  glad                   c  delighted
       6    The horror film made us all feel ___ terrified.
a  very                       b  absolutely        c  extremely
       7    Filmmakers use test screenings to get ___ on a new film from a cross-section of the public before they release their films.
a  interaction           b  accessibility     c  feedback
Mark: ___ / 7

Use of English
 7    Complete the text. Write one word in each gap.
Both photos 1__________ a smiling, celebrity couple who have just got married. The main 2__________ between the photos is the location. In the 3__________ photo, the couple are walking out of a church, 4__________ in the second photo they are on a boat in Venice. I can’t 5__________ sure, but it looks as though they are on their way to their honeymoon hotel, which is most 6__________ the most expensive hotel in the city. In 7__________ photos, you can see people trying to take photographs of the couple. However, 8__________ the first photo which shows ecstatic fans trying to take selfies, the second photo has dozens of professional photographers following the couple through Venice on boats. In fact, most of the other boats on the canal are full of photographers.
9__________, the second photo is more glamorous than the first photo, which shows a wedding that most ordinary people can relate to. I think 10__________ of the main advantages of being famous, and getting married in the public eye, is that you can sell your wedding photos to magazines, and designers will give you clothes to showcase to the world.
Mark: ___ / 10
 8    ² 1  Listen to an interview with Janice Barber and choose the correct answers.
       1    Which of the following is true about Janice Barber?
A      She writes for a magazine.
B      She is often interviewed.
C     She is a well-known celebrity.
D     She works on the Breakfast Show.
       2    What does Janice say about trying to arrange an interview with a famous person?
A      The best thing to do is to try to contact them directly.
B      It involves getting in touch with someone other than the star.
C     It was never a good idea to simply phone them up.
D     It used to be much harder to contact big stars than it is now.
       3    What does Janice describe as an advantage of working for her magazine?
A      She gets help in doing her job from other people she works with.
B      Publicists often contact her magazine to get interviews for their clients.
C     It makes it easier for her to do her own research into who she should call.
D     She’s more likely to know when someone is out of town or unavailable.
       4    Which of the following issues that inexperienced reporters might have when trying to get an interview does Janice not mention?
A      They might find it difficult to work out who to phone up.
B      They might not work for the right local paper or radio station.
C     They might contact celebrities when they are on holiday.
D     They might be ignored by some PAs.
       5    What advice does Janice give inexperienced reporters?
A      Be prepared to ask a lot of demanding questions.
B      Be tough with publicists and don’t take no for an answer.
C     Be ready to say exactly why you want to do an interview.
D     Be insistent about the sort of questions you want to ask.
Mark: / 5
 9    Read the text. Match sentences A–F with gaps 1–5. There is one extra sentence.
Victims of fame?
Everybody thinks being a teenage celebrity is glamorous, and, to a large extent, it is. 1___ However, there is, of course, a downside to being in the public eye, and there are many high-profile cases of youngsters whose lives have gone seriously wrong. So, how can teenage celebrities avoid becoming victims of fame?
When the lives of teenage stars go out of control, the press are quick to blame their employers and their pushy parents, and they have a point. Often it is the pressure that other people put on celebrities that causes most stress. In a recent interview, American sitcom star Tia Mowery described how she had found being on a hit show emotionally and physically exhausting. 2___ It is a responsibility few teenagers have to face.
3___ They also need to be shrewd enough to recognise when a new acquaintance is not to be trusted. The presence of a well-known celebrity can have a strange effect on other people. They turn and stare, and ask for autographs. Imagine how that can affect an insecure teenager. 4___ Teenage celebrities need to be well-balanced enough to realise that fame is not likely to last, and thick-skinned enough not to get upset by criticism or negative attention. It’s a big ask, and no wonder that so many find it difficult.
The quality of the support network behind any young star is vital. 5___ This isn’t always the case. A lot of parents are star struck, enjoying their children’s success to the point that they encourage them to be vain and badly behaved. They allow their famous offspring to do whatever he or she wants, and, even worse, they help them spend the money they earn instead of investing it wisely.
A    Teenage stars have to work hard at keeping their true friends, who may feel jealous of their success.
                 B    It can easily make any individual vain and self-important, with a false idea of how important they are.
                C    Stardom brings fortune as well as fame, and experiences that average kids can only dream of.

D    A case in point is that of teenage stars who ended up losing all their money and finding themselves on the wrong side of the law.
E    As the leading actor, she had felt the strain of carrying the show, knowing that if she had put in a bad performance, the careers of other people would have been affected.
F    It’s no surprise that big Hollywood stars like Jodie Foster and Daniel Radcliffe, who started out as child actors, came from families who considered the well-being of their kids more important than being in a film.
Mark: / 5
10    Read the task below. Write a formal letter.
A national newspaper has published an article about famous people whose actions have inspired others. The editor has invited readers to write a letter suggesting which famous person has inspired them in life. Choose a famous person and write a formal letter to the editor describing their achievements and saying why you admire them and how they have inspired you.
Mark: / 10
Total: ___ / 70


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  5. If you don't remember this, your car may be stolen!

    Imagine that your vehicle was taken! When you visit the police, they inquire about a particular "VIN lookup"

    A VIN decoder: What is it?

    Similar to a passport, the "VIN decoder" allows you to find out the date of the car's birth and the identity of its "parent"( manufacturing plant). Additionally, you can find:

    1.The type of engine

    2.Model of a vehicle

    3.The DMV and the limitations it imposes

    4.Number of drivers in this vehicle

    The location of the car will be visible to you, and keeping in mind the code ensures your safety. The code can be viewed in the online database. The VIN is situated on various parts of the car to make it harder for thieves to steal, such as the first person's seat on the floor, the frame (often in trucks and SUVs), the spar, and other areas.

    What if the VIN is intentionally harmed?

    There are numerous circumstances that can result in VIN damage, but failing to have one will have unpleasant repercussions because it is illegal to intentionally harm a VIN in order to avoid going to jail or calling the police. You could receive a fine of up to 80,000 rubles and spend two years in jail. You might be held up on the road by a teacher.


    The VIN decoder may help to save your car from theft. But where can you check the car reality? This is why we exist– VIN decoders!

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